Customized Program Evaluation
MI’s ESI division provides customized program evaluation, technical assistance, and professional development solutions that our clients use to build organizational capacity and effect change. We establish collaborative partnerships with our clients that begin with an understanding of, and respect for, the culture of organizations and surrounding communities. From that foundation, we build a participatory process that engages stakeholders in all phases of our work. We live by a “Plan, Do, Study, Act” model, developing an informed and thoughtful plan, implementing it, then examining the results and iterating for optimal outcomes.

Program Evaluation
ESI’s team of evaluators works with both large-scale and small-scale programs–in K12 schools, colleges/universities, federal or state-based programs, community programs, career and technical education, and more–to collect, interpret, and report the right data for informed decision-making.
Whether the evaluation is required as part of a grant or is motivated by a desire to serve your organization’s constituents better, our advisors are experienced in all phases of the evaluation process and will customize the experience to your organization’s needs.
Competencies in:
Full evaluation cycle, from design to development and implementation
Federal and grant reporting requirements: Annual Performance Report (APR) and Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) reporting, including formative, summative, and end-of-grant reports
Logic modeling and conceptual frameworks for program design and implementation
Telling your organization’s story with data: mixed methodology of quantitative and qualitative data to understand and convey the full picture
Systems thinking to understand and evaluate processes, infrastructure, supports, and culture within an organization
Timely reporting for timely action: interim briefs and ongoing data summaries so your organization can help affected students or individuals in real time
Translate research and policy into practice, synthesizing meaning from data, offering thoughtful recommendations for immediate and long-term utility
Indicator programs and self-assessments development
21st Century after-school programs
GEAR UP (Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs)
Magnet Schools Assistance Program (MSAP)
Career and technical education
Project Prevent programs for violence prevention
Teacher and School Leader Incentive (TSL) programs
Coaching and professional development programs
Indicator 8 Parent Involvement surveys for parents of children receiving special education services
Title V of the Higher Education Act (HEA) - Developing Hispanic-Serving Institutions Program
Academics, math, reading programs, school attendance and drop-out prevention, special education, multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS), social-emotional learning, mental health topics, adult learning principles
Sample Evaluation Subject Matter Areas
Technical Assistance
Technical assistance provides support to educators, schools, or organizations to enhance their capacity to implement effective practices and improve student outcomes. MI ESI advises and supports clients in developing full-service technical assistance centers, including training and professional development, resource development, data collection and analysis, evaluation, policy guidance, and technical support.
New York State Center for School Safety
New York State Technical and Educational Assistance Center for Homeless Students
New York State Early Intervention Program Online Professional Development Center
New York State Family & Community Engagement Center
NYS Office of Religious and Independent Schools Professional Development Resource center (past)
Safe and Supportive Schools Technical Assistance Center (past)
Teaching in Remote & Hybrid Learning Environment TA Center (past)
Sample Statewide Technical Assistance Centers

Professional Development and Training
ESI’s professional development specialists have deep experience in the subject matter being taught, supported by educational theories and practices that contribute to an effective learning experience. Our approach is customized to meet the specific needs of the audience through formal and informal needs assessments, data collection and analysis, and developing a thorough understanding of the learners’ context. Engaged learners are equipped to perform their roles and responsibilities with competence and confidence.
ESI employs both asynchronous and synchronous learning. Whether delivered in-person or virtually, our approach is adaptable to the client’s needs and is tailored to ensure effectiveness based on the chosen medium. Contact us [link to contact page] to discuss your organization’s needs.
Special Education systems, trends and instructional best practices, including implementation of programs in line with the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
Multi-Tiered Systems of Support, including Response to Intervention (RtI) and Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports (PBIS)
Public, private, and alternative school systems
Social-emotional learning and trauma-informed instruction and care
Early childhood development and early intervention (under Part C of IDEA)
Physical and psychological school safety (including drills, climate and culture, bullying prevention)
Equity and inclusion, including topics aligned with New York State’s Dignity for All Students Act (DASA)
Student support services under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act and 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC)
Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) initiatives
Data systems and assessment
And more
Sample Subject Matter Expertise