Our Team
Kathy has over thirty years of experience in the leadership of school improvement initiatives, the planning and delivery of professional development, BOCES and public school special education administration, and classroom instruction for students with disabilities. She was a trainer for the rollout of the State Learning Standards and assessments in both New Jersey and New York, and led initiatives to utilize curriculum mapping to align instruction with State standards while incorporating the needs of students with disabilities. Kathy shifted to school improvement on a full time basis in 2004 when she became a Special Education Professional Development Specialist for NYSED’s SETRC Network. From 2009-2019 she Coordinated the Capital District/North Country Regional Special Education Technical Assistance Support Center, a NYSED-funded center supporting the implementation of evidence-based systems and instructional practices for improving the outcomes of students with disabilities across a 16-county region. She has partnered with the NYSED on key initiatives such as the Blueprint for Improved Results for Students with Disabilities, the State Systemic Improvement Plan, the DTSDE Review Process, and the development and implementation of training on multiple topics related to school improvement and special education.
Needs Assessment and Improvement Planning Utilizing Implementation Science Practices
Special Education Evidence-Based Systems and Instructional Practices
Special Education Process and Regulations
Development of Professional Training Content, Materials, Tools, and Delivery of Training
Team Facilitation and Planning
Supervision and Coaching of Professional Development Specialists and Teachers of Special Education
M.A. (1995) Educational Administration, Kean University
M.S. (1986) Special Education, SUNY University at Albany
B.S. (1985) Special and Elementary Education, SUNY College at Buffalo