Our Team
Halley Eacker brings a unique combination of perspectives to MI, including special educator, researcher, and field work supervisor for pre-service teachers. Previously, she worked to provide technical assistance supporting the implementation of Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports. Halley has expertise in special education, multi-tiered systems of support, and supporting students’ behavioral and social-emotional health. Her research focuses on socio-cognitive approaches to literacy instruction for students with autism. Currently, Halley supports the New York State Center for School Safety and the Safe and Supportive Schools Technical Assistance Center. Halley hopes her contributions will help shift school climate towards supporting all students in feeling safe to learn and grow.
K-20 Education
Special education in elementary, middle, and upper grade levels
Instructional strategies and supports in English Language Arts and Literacy
Evidence-based practices to support diverse learners
Implementation of multi-tiered system of support to meet academic, social-emotional, and behavioral needs
Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports
Reducing suspension and expulsion
Data-based decision-making to improve practices and student outcomes
Professional development and technical assistance to support systems change
Research and Evaluation
Quantitative design and analysis
Research with low-incidence groups
Intervention research
Single-case methodology
M.S. (2013), Special Education & Literacy, State University of New York at Albany
B.A. (2011), Creative & Professional Writing, Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts