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MI helps clients plan and implement new initiatives, evaluate impacts, and build capacity for continuous improvement and sustainability.

Over the past 30 years, we've conducted thousands of projects for education and human services organizations at the federal, state and local levels.


Program Evaluation

Young Teacher

A Study of Charter Schools in Illinois

In 2019, MI was awarded a three-year evaluation contract to study Illinois charter schools. In Year 1, we conducted a case study of two 

 charter schools that had been awarded state dissemination grants, following them and their non-charter partners through all phases of the dissemination process.

Students Taking Exams

Duval County Public Schools
GEAR UP Program Evaluation

In 2018, MI was awarded a 7 year contract to evaluate this important college readiness initiative. 

School Improvement

School Children

Religious and Independent Schools Professional Development Resource Center

In 2019, MI was awarded a 5 year contract to operate this Center serving all regions of New York State outside

of New York City and Long Island.  The Center provides professional development and technical assistance to build the capacity of New York State’s religious and independent schools to deliver high quality education leading to advanced levels of student achievement. 

Professor Lecturing on Stage

The Capital District Regional Partnership Center (RPC)

MI was awarded a 5 year contract in 2019 to operate the RPC in the Capital District of New York State, providing technical assistance and

professional development on topics related to special education.




In the months since the murder of George Floyd (and Breonna Taylor, and Rashard Brooks, and Ahmaud Arbery…, the widespread outrage and large-scale protests resulted in a long-overdue awakening for many white people, including myself. Like many others, I have begun the process of educating myself on my role in the systemic racism and white supremacy that exist in this country, and my responsibility to push back against these systems.


Featured Staff Member

Q & A with Jonathan Tunik, M.P.A., Senior Research Associate


How long have you been working for MI and what is your current role?

I guess that depends on how you count – actually a fairly unusual story.  I worked for Magi for three years, from 1990 to 1992.  While I had remained in touch with several former employees, most notably Marilyn Musumeci, in the years to follow, I had little or no interaction with the company afterwards.  Decades later, I received an invitation to Ron’s retirement party, at which I met Tom Kelsh, and was thinking, “This seems like a place I might consider returning to at some point.”  I filed that idea in the back of my head but, gainfully employed, did not give it much further thought.  Then I met someone on a hike, and after talking about our respective careers, she said, “I know someone who does something I think sounds similar to what you do.”  Indeed.  Not only that, but it turns out she worked at that company that used to be Magi.


An interview with Sara Silver and a few months consulting work for Tom later, I was hired as a Senior Research Associate in April 2016.  I am currently working as Project Director for two statewide projects: the New York State 21st Century Community Learning Centers, and evaluations of several statewide Categorical Bilingual Education programs under the NYS Education Department’s Office of Bilingual Education and World Languages.


MI operates multiple statewide technical assistance centers.  We are a New York State approved CTLE provider.

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